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Locations within Milford Haven

This web site is based on material regularly collected in Dale, near the entrance to Milford Haven. The latter is one of the largest waterways in the UK and components of the plankton vary.  Sampling in places other than Dale are taken when possible, several times a year and some of this is discussed on these pages.

Areas such as rivers and estuaries will bring material into the region and the life living in the mud and sediment can easily be disturbed to enter the water column.


The Gann is an area close to Dale tucked into the north west of the Haven and inevitably has an effect on the samples taken at Dale.


To find out more click here: Gann

The Gann

Salinity and nutrients influence the composition of plankton. The River Gann is a small estuary (see the photo above) but the greater the size the more effect there will be. To see the greatest effect on the plankton components I occasionally sample the water near Neyland Marina at the eastern end of the waterway. Salinity is significantly lower here and is where the River Cleddau enters the Haven. Above this point lie extensive, wide muddy, estuaries and backwaters, breeding grounds for diatoms and burrowing invertebrates. One of these areas is Port Lion, just up river from Neyland, and further still the river divides into the Western and Eastern Cleddau.


To find out more click here: Neyland 


The Estuary near Port Lion at high tide

© 2025 Julian Cremona

All Photographs are Copyright Julian Cremona

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